Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Earth Day Message

On behalf of everyone here at GreenProfit Solutions and cuZOOM, I'd like to wish you a Happy Earth Day. It may be an oft-repeated suggestion, but we encourage you to make every day Earth Day. How? Make those little steps towards minimizing your impacts. You know what they are: reusable bags, consolidate driving trips, minimize energy and water use. But also, tell your friends and family. Help them do these little things as well.

And give. Of your time, your skills, your contributions, or your knowledge. It doesn't matter. But every bit you give back is a little more someone (or something) else would not have had if it were not for your generosity.

Earth Day isn't just about seeing green everywhere. It's about your relationship with the planet and everything (and everyone) on it.

Today, and any other day for that matter, ask us how you can help. We'll do our best to connect you with a cause that truly connects in your heart. No charge, no catch, and no strings attached. If you can help make your world a better place through our connection, then we've done our job.

But it is never done. Have a Happy Earth Day.

Edited 4/22/16